Who we are (Alphabetize by Last Name)
Yeon Chae
Yeon is a PhD candidate in Construction Science and a MS student in Computer Science at Texas A&M University. She received her bachelor degree from Seoul National University in South Korea. Her research interests are human-machine interface and teleoperation.
Minguk Kim
Minguk is a PhD student in Construction Science at Texas A&M University. He received his bachelor and master’s degrees from Incheon National University in South Korea. His research interests include digital twin, human behavior, and deep learning applications for construction and urban challenges.
Yoojun Kim
Yoojun is a PhD candidate in Construction Science and a MS student in Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. He received his bachelor and master’s degrees from Inha University in South Korea. His current research centers on human-environment interaction, leveraging digital twin solutions toward smarter and more resilient construction and cities.
Miran Seo
Miran is a PhD candidate in Construction Science. She received her bachelor and master degrees from Korea University and University of Washington. She has a LEED AP of BD+C (Buiding Design+Construction) certificate. She has work experience in the Building Construction field, the construction management for the Garrison Relocation Program of the U.S. Army Corps in South Korea.
Tianxiu Zhou
Tianxiu is a master of computer science student at Texas A&M. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Tsinghua University in China, while he has found his passion in web development, cloud-based computing, and machine learning. His career goal is to utilize state-of-the-art technology to instantiate novel ideas and build solutions for a smarter world.
Jiwoong Jang
Jiwoong is an undergraduate research intern in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Seoul National University. He is expected to receive his bachelor's degree from Seoul National University in Summer and continue the graduate study. His research includes automation in construction and digital twins.
Minseong Kim
Minseong is an undergraduate research intern in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Seoul National University. He likes math and coding. He is interested in the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality for automation in construction.
Minyeop Kim
Minyeop is an undergraduate research intern with double majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Entrepreneurship at Seoul National University. He Has research experience at Singapore National Metrology Centre, Acoustics and Vibration Lab. The research topic was about ‘Sensor Fault Diagnosis Using Deep Learning for Environmental Monitoring’, as A*STAR Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) Awardee.
Dr. Seulbi Lee (Post Doc)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Incheon National University
Dr. Jeehee Lee (Post Doc)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Chung-Ang University (former: University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Dr. Hongjo Kim (Post Doc)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Yonsei University (former: University of Dayton)
Dr. Mirsalar Kamari (PhD)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi
Dr. Jaeyoon Kim (PhD)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at El Paso
Dr. Di Liu (PhD)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida
Dr. Jinwoo Kim (Visiting PhD student, SNU)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Hanyang University
Dr. Bo Young Kim (Visiting PhD student, SNU)
Current Position: Junior Statistician, Wills Eye Hospital
Dr. Jin Sol Lee (PhD)
Current Position: PhD, Texas A&M University
Bharath Kumar Ravichandran (MS)
Current Position: Software Development Engineer, Tesla
Samraat Gupta (MS)
Current Position: PhD student in Computer Science, Texas A&M University
Aarthi Vasudevan (MS)
Current Position: Software Development Engineer, Amazon
Pavan Aduri (MS)
Current Position: Software Engineer, Extreme Networks
Justin Jelacic (MS)
Current Position: Landscape Designer, Hogue Landscape Services
Wei-Lun William Tsai (Visiting MS student, NTU)
Current Position: Graduate Student in Computer-Aided Engineering, National Taiwan University
Parth Patel (MS)
Current Position: Field/Office Engineer II, Kiewit Corporation
Aswin Jacob Thomas (MS)
Current Position: Software Development Engineer, Amazon
Kajal Matanchhea Shrestha (MS)
Current Position: Project Engineer, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction
Angeela Shrestha (MS)
Current Position: Junior Estimator, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction
Reema Abraham (MS)
Current Position: Project Analyst, Turner & Townsend
Yogesh Naik (MS)
Current Position: Assistant Superintendent, Turner Construction Company
Michelle Chavez Abril (MS)
Current Position: Assistant Project Manager, Thornton Construction Company
JongWook Jeon (MS)
Current Position: BIM Specialist, HAEAHN Architecture
JaeHyuk Lee (MS)
Current Position: Program Controls Manager, Akaria Hanmi for Project Management
Zhenglin Li
Current Position: Graduate Student, Computer Science, Texas A&M University
Yung-Hsin Tung (BS)
Current Position: Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
Jingdi Zhang (BS)
Current Position: Graduate Student, Computer Science, Texas A&M University
Tam Pham
Current Position: Undergraduate student in Computer Science, Texas A&M University